All stakeholders are invited (Research Infrastructure owners, companies, public managing authorities, funding authorities, innovation organisations,…) with an interest in bioeconomy Research and Technology Infrastructures to participate in the Nordic Bio Hub Workshop.
The purpose of this workshop is to discuss about Finnish Research Infrastructure collaboration and funding opportunities, strengths and industry needs from national and Nordic perspectives.
Aims of the workshop:
• Identify development needs for the Research and Technology Infrastructures arising from the latest developments in circular bioeconomy process technology, and European and national policies (green transition and digitalization).
• Identify key partners with complementary infrastructure in Finland and the core of the Finnish bioeconomy node.
• Identify best practices and main barriers for Research and Technology Infrastructure collaboration.
• Identify new funding opportunities for Research and Technology Infrastructure investments and use.
WHEN: Wednesday, June 16th, 2021 from 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
WHERE: Online meeting
REGISTER HERE by 9th June 2021:
Please find the preliminary program of the workshop here:
Feel free to distribute this invitation within your organization and network.
All the best,
Mika Härkönen, VTT and Pauliina Tukiainen, VTT